Saturday 25 October 2014

From The Doctors

Dr I C Agarwal & Dr R Bano 

City of Coventry Health Centre, Stoney Stanton Road, Hillfields, Coventry, CV1 4FS 

All comments below are regarding Dr Bano.

Duty Of Care?

I have doubled up in agony with chest pains a few times, really sharp stabbing pains, seriously thought i was having a heart attack, i went to the doctors on two different occasions about my chest pains and obvious circulation problems.

On the first occasion i explaind to the doctor i was having pains in my chest, sharp stabbing pains pains which genuinely felt like it was my heart. She took my blood pressure, told me there was nothing to worry about and showed no interest at all.

The next time i went, i had just had a cup of tea, i sat on the settee and my head started spinning, i couldnt focus properly, was struggling to talk, couldnt think clearly, my extremeties were cold and clammy to touch, my balance had gone, i couldnt walk straight, it was a struggle to walk and move in general, i nearly fell over just walking to the doctors, i had to balance myself on a lamppost, it could have been anything, my heart, an allergic reaction to something maybe even poison (this (sugar)).

I live within 1 minutes walking distance of my doctors, it took me no time to get there, still showing the signs, i was white as a ghost, couldnt talk to the receptionist properly and i felt like i was about to pass out,  went straight in to see the doctor, tried explaining how i was feeling, still struggling to talk and focus.

She listened, did no examination at all, asked me what i thought the problem could be and proceeded to tell me to go home and take some paracetamol.
Im not a doctor, but it was obvious there was something wrong, who knows what, some sort of circulation problem? She didnt care, absolutely no interest at all, just go home and take some paracetamol, bearing in mind i was still struggling to speak and focus all the time i was with her.

I Have A Lump In My Stomach
I used to work out daily, mutigym and sit ups, while doing the sit ups i noticed a lump in my stomach. I went to see my doctor about it, told her how i found it, she had a look and said there was nothing there and that my stomach looked perfectly normal.

She asked how many sit ups i do and then proceded to tell me to cut the number down by two thirds?
Wtf, my stomach looks perfectly normal to her, cant see anything wrong yet she is telling me to cut down the number of sit ups i do, what gives?

Annual Medical Check Up
A week later i have a general health/medical check up at my doctors surgery, this time done by a nurse, i asked her about it, she could see nothing either.
Neither my doctor nor the nurse could see anything.

This is two profesionally trained medicals both refused to acknowledge an obvious lump in my stomach, not yes we can see it and it is nothing to worry about, just an outright no, there is nothing there.
I could see an obvious lump, my neigbour could see an obvious lump, the manageress and assistant in the charity shop i volunteered in could see an obvious lump that looked far from perfectly normal, this is to untrained eyes, you know no medical training or anything but 4 people could see an obvious lump, yet the medically trained doctor and nurse could see absolutely nothing.

It could of been anything you know, there is a history of cancer in my family, i have lost 4 very close relatives to cancer and currently have 3 that have survived various forms of cancer, i was genuinely worried for my health, who wouldnt be given the circumstances and family history.

I ended up getting a referal for a scan after complaining to the surgery manager and found that apparently it was a deformed/twisted stomach muscle, or so they told me, cant remember the exact terminology.

A doctor and a nurse could see nothing, something staring them in the face they couldnt see it, serious questions need to be asked, this isnt a one off, this is everywhere i go, absolutely everything i do or try to do.
There Is An External Influence Everywhere To Everything I Do!
You see what i am suggesting here?
Think we need to get in touch with Dr. O, what do you think, remember her, she cut you off!

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