Wednesday 12 November 2014

My housing association are desperate to get me out of my flat.

A Little Too Desperate!

I have an account on Coventry Homefinder which i recently reactivated so that i would be able to bid on 1 bedroom properties as currently i am classed as being under occupied, my second bedroom is 8.5x7 like you could really call that a bedroom, but hey, thats irrelevant, right?

Because of the so called bedroom tax and being expected to make up the difference myself i am in rent arrears to quite a high figure. Mainly because of the stuff i have explained and how i was made to feel, i have spent almost 6 months of this year receiving no benefits whatsoever, no money, nothing, had to rely on handouts and a freindly neighbour helping me out, with no money coming in how could i pay anything towards my rent?
I can hear you now, "Get a job" yes, i tried on more than one occasion, but you know when every turn leads to a brick wall it gets to the point where you just think screw it and give up.

Yes, that, i just gave up, no point, when you know that certain folks are doing there best to interfere and make things as difficult as possible for you to live your life in a fair and reasonable way.

Anyway, i digress, my housing association are desperate to get me out of my flat.......

.....they are that desperate to get me out of their (my) flat that they took it upon themselves to register me on Homefinder, they then proceeded to apply for one bedroom properties in my name. 
I received a text yesterday telling me they had registered me, and today i received a text telling me that i had an appointment booked to view a flat that they had bid on on Homefinder.



Yet my housing association decided it was in their best interest to create a new account in my name and bid for properties in my name without once asking me for permission or if i thought that was ok or appropriate.

Who Do They Think They Are?

Seriously, how far fetched does that sound.


They created a new account in my name and bid for properties in my name without once asking me for permission or if i thought that was ok or appropriate.

Saturday 1 November 2014

Workfirst - Another Agency

Oh where to start.

Playing pool? Team building, government sponsored get your arse back to work, seriously.

Ok first day of a two week course, we go off to play pool, team building, like were a bunch of unsuccessful office wallers who need to gel because performances are slipping. Really, we`re there to get back to work, so they take us to play pool, get us membership  and everything, a bonding session for long term unemployed.
Or just a vehicle for this.

The Orange Drink?
So were at our bonding session, you know a bunch of long term unemployed layabouts being taken to a pool hall to play pool and drink, apart from me, i didnt drink at the time, i had orange squash, well that what it was supposed to be, i didnt buy it, someone else did, i wasnt too sure about it, it didnt look right, took a couple of sips, it didnt taste right, i left it and after finishing my game of pool i left.
This was the first day of the course.

Towards the end of the course one of the blokes starts telling this story about pissing into someones drink, it was a long winded story cant remember the specifics, (disgusting really, to think people behave like that) he`s telling his story making sure everyone's hearing it and he`s looking at me as tho to make sure im paying attention, like an indirect admission, yes he was the person that brought me the drink.
I may be wrong it may be a total coincidence maybe not, i dont think it was myself he seemed to be basking in his glory telling his tale, gloating again.

The Screwed Up CV`s 

Funny, ive been to many different government sponsored companies, get your arse back to work, you know.

Everyone recommends changes to your CV,  there's no template, just another persons opinion of what a CV should look like, nothing wrong with mine in reality just another advisors opinion, i sat with an advisor he decided to make a few changes to my CV,  he`s the guy trained to do this, so i trusted him, he made a few changes then printed me about 15 copies off.
Cool, i left there went to 9 or 10 agencies and dropped my CV with them.

I get home start looking at the CV he had edited, i didnt really watch him, i was there but i trusted his judgement expecting the basics at least to be accurate!
When he printed it off i was glad to be leaving the place so didnt look at it, jesus, my 14 yr old daughter at the time could of done a better job, im no English expert, but the errors were embarrassing, typos, grammar, all kinds of errors, capitalisation, missing full stops, incomplete sentences, yes i had just given it out without looking, imagine that, i had just given out a load of CV`s looking for work that looked like they had been finished by a kid. Yes i should of looked, should of checked or paid more attention, but these are the people paid to do their best to help you get back to work, you know the government is paying them to get you back into work.
Jesus, i could of done a better job, no scratch that i did do a better job of it myself.

I was still keen at the time, you know made an effort, looked and all that, but as time goes by and you realise you are just banging your head against a brick wall and no matter what you do your not going to get anywhere, at every turn theres a new obstacle something else getting in the way, you just give up.

Two Vacancies Two Agencies

Due to being out of work I had registered with various agencies looking for work.

Post Office Application

Just before Christmas a few years back, after being out of work for around 12mnths one of the agencies i registered with called with a temporary position at the post office, i made an appointment to go into their offices to finalise the details, i went into the agency got my id card hi vis vest and boots, I was looking forward to working and having some money for Christmas, but the day before i was due to start i got a phone call saying i couldn't start as i had failed the security checks, i have no convictions of any merit, certainly none that could justify me not getting a temp job at the post office. I have one for fighting when i was 18, nearly 30 years ago.

I had been out of work for a while was desperate and really looking forward to working before Christmas just to have a little money to spend, the day before i was due to start at least 10 days after they had given me the work clothes they call me!
Talk about disappointing, the day before.

Security & Chequers
I used to run a bouncy castle and inflatable hire company with my brother, I managed to pass the security checks to deliver a bouncy castle for the then prime minister at Chequers and spent the day there with my daughter and nephew (they were invited into the party had a swim in the pool and joined the childs party) while his friends and family used the bouncy castle for his sons birthday party.

I managed to clear what i am sure would be much more stringent security checks for that, yet failed a security check for a two week temporary job at the post office.

There has to be something wrong here!

Porter Application

Had an interview for a vacancy as a hospital porter, 6 vacancies 9 applicants, personally i think i nailed it, all the right answers to the relevant questions, had all the relevant skills, im a great people person, im good with people, really good. That was evident and very obvious working as a recovery driver, a job i loved (consider my license), i got nothing but good comments, a few letters commending me to my employer, you know everything about me and my personality was perfect for the job, same as the porter application, it was a perfect fit, i nailed the interview, i was confident and pleased with how it went, i refuse to believe out of 9 applicants my skills and abilities were not good enough, all the recovery driver skills, confidence compassion understanding patience empathy sympathy, all the people skills transfered perfectly to the porter application,  i was at least 7th, these things happen, but i refuse all things considered to believe i wasnt good enough for 1 of 6 jobs.

Too much bad luck and many bad attitudes for it all to be coincidence.
This has been constant hassle and harassment everywhere with everything i do.
Anything to make life as hard as possible for me.