Monday 26 October 2015

The Missing Letters Or Maybe Hidden & Binned

I have had people tell me they have sent me letters, important letters that seemingly didnt arrive, even had letters that i am sure have been opened and resealed before delivery through my letterbox.

I have on more than one occasion had flyers through my door, you know we all get them, the large Farmfoods or Iceland flyers with all their latest offers, and usually inside them will be smaller flyers and envelopes, you know maybe a TalkTalk or Virgin Media mailshots. Yes we have them all, so you pick them up open the bigger one and see the smaller one and just disregard it place it to one side and go do something.

I have a pile in my hall, that when it gets too large i throw away, but always check the insides just to be sure i havent missed anything. On one occasion i opened up the larger flyer to open a smaller flyer to find a very important letter, one was very personal, very sentimental to me and very very time critical, you know it needed to be addressed by a certain date which had long passed, this wouldnt have happened had the mail not been hidden away inside a flyer inside a flyer, which meant when openend the initial flyer and seeing a second flyer the assumption was that it was just junk mail.

Could  be total coincidence, but all things considered, and given the importance of that one particular letter and how it was hidden in the flyers, i dont think so, why else at no other time have any of my letters been hidden in flyers.

Simple to explain why not.

The postman has his letters for a particular street seperated in his postbag, he also carries the flyers already sorted to delivered at the same time as the letters, he goes to a building say mine, 14 residents so he will take his little pile of envelopes for my block and and proceed to deliver them, at the same time he will pull out the flyer and deliver that.

Still with me?

A letter inside a flyer inside a flyer!  Seriously, not just any letter, but for me personally, probably the most important letter i could of received over the last 10 years, it meant so much to me, it caused so much heartache and pain you wouldnt believe.

Why only the once, why only that letter, what it meant to me and the implications are unfathomable.

Somebody Is Responsible!

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